What We Do
Here at Bridge NI, we aim to deliver positive and engaging opportunities to women across Northern Ireland who are struggling, and assist them in resolving any problems which are having a significant negative impact on their life.
We do this by offering free programmes for women to attend. These programmes have ranged from weekly to monthly and have been offered in Cregagh Community Centre, Enler Community Centre, Ballyoran Community Centre, Hen Shed Ballybeen and Inverary Community Centre. The programmes include zumba, yoga, craft, mindfulness, flower arranging and much more.
We hope to ensure that all women feel recognised and respected, by others, but most importantly, recognised and respected by themselves.
Bridge NI is a registered charity based in Northern Ireland (108154).
Recognising a Need
All women, at some point in their lives, will become overwhelmed with challenges outside of their control. Whether it’s financial difficulties, bereavement, separation from a partner, bullying, stress, or anything which can create a lasting feeling of helplessness or despair. Often these challenges can occur at a crucial point in a woman’s life, where they find themselves being isolated. At Bridge NI, we strive to provide support to the women who seek our help by assisting them through any kinds of difficulties affecting their lives. We do this by running free programmes, with a mixture of activities, open for all ladies to attend.
As well as this we suggest engaging with our wider community events, meet-ups, and walking tours, allowing all involved to meet and engage with new people to help in the learning about, and rebuilding of, their self-esteem and wellbeing.
Practical Help for Those in Need
We provide constructive practical and personalised help for women facing any difficulties in her life, with the help of our well-trained volunteers.
‘Build A Bridge’ Support Network
We have set up a series of guided ‘Build A Bridge’ support networks across Northern Ireland via programmes. The focus is managing your well-being and allows the chance for everyone to communicate their feelings in a non-judgemental setting. The programmes are free and no sign up is required.
Promoting Friendship
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